I think that no one ever truly understands why parents say the things that they do until they become parents themselves. I have found that I am just as over protective as my mom was. I worry about so many possible dangers, and try to plan for millions of possibilities whenever packing the baby bag. And, although I am resigned to the fact that stuff does and will happen, it is my job to smooth as many bumps and prevent as many bruises as I can. I understand much better why it bothered Mom and Dad so much if I was late coming home, or didn't look both ways before crossing the street.
Thank you Mom and Dad for all of your patience and love! Thank you for smoothing as many bumps and preventing as many bruises as you could, but also knowing that one day it would all be up to me.
Let's get craftin'!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Overwhelmed by a mothers love...
I really love being a mother. I find myself in awe at the simple beauties that my daughter shows to me each and every day. One of the absolute most important things that we as people can do is to love and nurture children. When I look at my daughter, I can see why Christ said that unless we become as little children we can in nowise enter the kingdom of God. They are simple, pure, innocent, full of never ending love, and teachable if nurtured with love and patience from a young age. I learn more and more about what is really important in life everyday as I try to see the world through her eyes. I only hope that I can grow to be the mother that this beautiful baby deserves, and I thank God that He saw me worthy of such a
I understand that people have free will and make bad choices. I know that there are children born everyday into situations that are less than desirable, deplorable, and even abusive. But I know that God loves and watches over those children everyday. I also know that I have a responsibility to be the best I can be and to help and make a difference whenever and however I can.
We all have a responsibility to be ourselves, BUT to always be our better selves. TOO MANY think that moralistic ideals are now impossible to maintain in today's world. I want whoever is reading to know that IT CAN BE DONE. We can rise above our selves. We don't have to accept corruption, pornography, sex in EVERY aspect of advertisement and entertainment. Abstinence is possible before marriage,
Women can be nurturing stay at home moms and still stand as equal, valuable, and intelligent marriage partners and contributors to society. Less is often times more, and what is the purpose or use of all the money in the world if one is alone and has no one to trust, respect, and share with?
I love my husband, I love my daughter, and I love our Heavenly Father. I believe in God the Father, and in His son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. I know that one person can't change the world, but I can effectively affect my own part of it, and I know that the greatest joy and happiness in life is found in doing so. Even if we don't share beliefs we can still love and respect one another. Our lives are in our hands, and because of that- so is the world and its future. Let's make it the best that we can. If only for our little children.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
I CAN Survive!
So it's pretty neat that when I drive around Berlin I feel like I am finally starting to recognize the different areas and understand where in the city that I am. I grew up in a relatively small town, and was about 45min. from any large city. Living here is definitely different and has taken some getting used to, but I think that it isn't all that bad.
It is really nice to be in a place that offers so much culture and activity, if you actually go out looking for it. Of course, MOST major cities will offer similar things, but I had not lived in one until now. To go from small town to big city livin', well, it takes time to get used to hearing your neighbors stomping above you or to being jam PACKED into the subway cars- but after a time you start to feel a sense of accomplishment when you are able to "survive", so to speak, and to navigate without too much trouble.
I am becoming a Berliner. And I think that I like it.
It is really nice to be in a place that offers so much culture and activity, if you actually go out looking for it. Of course, MOST major cities will offer similar things, but I had not lived in one until now. To go from small town to big city livin', well, it takes time to get used to hearing your neighbors stomping above you or to being jam PACKED into the subway cars- but after a time you start to feel a sense of accomplishment when you are able to "survive", so to speak, and to navigate without too much trouble.
I am becoming a Berliner. And I think that I like it.
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