NOW, about last night-
WOW, getting our little girl to bed has become a REAL challenge! I will admit that PART of the problem has been jet lag. We got back last week from visiting my family in the states, so I can understand that there would be some sleep issues. But oh my goodness, it's been over a week since we got back!
As a new mother I have been diligently striving to climb the proverbial mountain and come into my own zen like state of momness. You know, it's that point at which you know everything, you always know best, and eyes grow in the back of you head. Of course, it unfortunately is a path fraught with perilous undertakings and, yes, mistakes as one learns and grows. Some days I feel like Baby and I are gaining understanding at about the same rate, then there are other days that I feel just plain dumb- lol!
Since Baby was born we have been doing the whole "Co-Sleeping" thing. I really think that whoever thought that up was a crazy person that must have ended up like our midwifes' sister-in-law who's 19yr old son STILL sleeps with her and her husband. I on the other hand will never, NEVER, do that again with my other children yet to come. I now have a four month old that only goes down for the night if she is next to mommy and allowed to suck while she falls asleep (YES, I know, another cardinal sin).
So now my husband and I are paying the price of first time parenthood and praying every night that she will PLEASE decide that tonight is the night she will sleep on her own.
We are trying to get her into a better bedtime routine, which includes a bath every night and a story before bed, as well as lavender lotion for extra soothing power :)
I was so desperate to get her int
So that brings me to where I stand now, forced more and more into a daily schedule and routine- the only funny part is that I enjoy having an organized day, I just lack the ability to always follow through.
BUT, as a new and DRIVEN mom it is my duty to give myself a big KICK in the posterior and move along.
You can't get better at ANYTHING if you don't try to be better at one thing at a time- "baby steps" you could say :)
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