So anyways, I made myself a chart, or outline of things that I would like to accomplish on a weekly and daily basis.
Week 1: fantastic, almost 100% completion!
Week 2: about 50-60%, and
Week 3: OMGoodness, it's Wednesday and I forgot all about the chart!!
It all started to slip when I got out of my morning routine. One small oversight and the whole kitten caboodle starts to go down the drain. I know that 100% completion EVERY week is not highly possible, BUT I do know that I can and should be doing WAY better than I am at present...
So here goes, by the accomplishment of each small and simple thing will my greater goal slowly be reached- to become a more organized, got-it-together, zin like, stress free, don't have to freak out if company comes over at the last
The Driven Mom CHALLENGE: try it out for yourself, you'll feel better about yourself, what you have accomplished, AND your life! :)