To me I guess that it means actually growing up- hahaha!
I have always been told that I was mature for my age, and sometimes I think that that maturity held me back from fitting in more with my peers at times. Of course, there is more to being mature than simply knowing when to be serious and how to avoid stupid decisions.
Now is when I take the time to seriously look into myself and honestly try to better the flaws that I find. I have to do little things, especially in the ways that I use my time each day and try not to use it selfishly. I need to be proactive in making certain that my little girl is getting what she needs developmentally and emotionally. I don't want her to feel forgotten or ignored because I didn't feel like putting in the effort to show her more about the world.
It is MY job after all, not the job of the babysitter or teacher or preschool, to teach her and help her and guide her through her development and through her life. Right now, especially right now, I am almost solely responsible for her happiness while daddy works and mommy stays home.
The question I ask myself is,
"Am I up for the challenge and will I dig in and do the things that need to be done even when it isn't convenient, even when I am tired, and even when I would rather do something more self stimulating or interesting?"...
The answer is "YES", because if I wasn't ready before, I have to be now.
Motherhood definitively isn't a cakewalk, but it certainly is sweet! :)
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