My little girl has had three teeth come in over a relatively short period of time and lately she has been driving me crazy with them! She doesn't like a teething ring, she doesn't even chew on her toys. The only things she likes to chew on is Mommy and Daddy. But what really drives me crazy is not the teeth marks that she leaves on my fingers or the times that she bites my chin, its when she plays with her teeth and starts grinding them together for some reason. I know that they are new to her and that she is experimenting with them, but that grinding is driving me crazy- not to mention the fact that I worry about how bad that is for her new little teeth! I try to teach her "no", "don't do that", and "UH-UH"...but I am not sure about when babies start making sense of all that.
She is only 7 months old, she is still really young, I know. Hopefully she will learn to not do that to her teeth, or (what is more likely) she will find something new to do and forget all about them.
In the meantime, I shudder every time I hear her grind her teeth and try to catch her doing it whenever I can to try and stop it.
Children come up with the strangest things to entertain themselves!
And of course, I know that the more inventive things are yet to come.
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