My little girl is growing up so fast. Just recently she started taking her first steps and trying to feed herself using a spoon (well...with help, of course, lol). Next week she will be starting pre-school so that I can attend the Integrations courses that all foreigners are supposed to take when they move to Germany. Baby and I will both be learning better Germany this year!
Today we had a talk with her soon-to-be teacher and she was so excited to see all the other children and other teachers. She loves people so much. She is a very friendly child and sometimes I feel bad that she doesn't have other children at home to play with...but that takes time! LOL! It will happen soon enough :)
As sad as it is to have to leave my little girl for the first time, I am really excited to start my classes and I am really excited for Baby to meet new people and play with other children and hopefully learn new things. It really is an exciting time in her life and everyday is something new. Just yesterday she started saying "Hi" whenever she waved. She is sooo adorable. I love being a mother, and I can't wait to have another baby and to watch them play and grow together. But for now, I just enjoy all the moments that we have and all the firsts that she experiences.
I guess that kids just keep growing and growing, they don't seem to wait for anyone or anything- so we better try hard as parents to not miss out!
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